A recent article in the American Psychological Association's Monitor on Psychology summarizes research on the pros and (mostly) cons of smartphone use. Many of us have experienced the benefits of having the amassed knowledge of everything in our hands when we are desperately trying to find the nearest coffee shop or remember the name of the band that recorded the song that won't stop playing in our heads. The smartphone is good for keeping in touch with our children/parents, whether across town or across the country. And it's just fun to have all those games at our fingertips when we are waiting for the doctor to see us.
The downsides, however, are significant. The article makes it clear that nighttime smartphone use is detrimental to a good night's sleep. Looking at your phone instead of talking to your spouse and children while at home (or the person next to you in the doctor's waiting room) denies you the benefits of interacting with another person face-to-face. And people who experience FOMO (fear of missing out - who knew this was a thing?) become anxious when they are not able to check their messages/email/Facebook feed.
The article offers commonsense steps you and your family can take to rein in smartphone use that is out of control. Among them:
* Decide what you really need your phone for (calling/texting, GPS), and what you can do in other ways (writing notes in a notebook, using an alarm clock)
* Let friends and family (and bosses?) know that you might not respond immediately to their text if you are doing something important, like having dinner with the family
* Silence notifications so you are not constantly picking up the phone
* Put down the phone long before bedtime, and keep it out of the bedroom when you are sleeping
You will find that you are more relaxed, feel more connected with loved ones, and have a sense of being in control of your phone, not the other way around. It will be nice to see the faces of your spouse and children again, rather than the tops of their heads. And they will feel the same about you!