In a recent online survey of physicians from several
countries, 27% or respondents answered “no” to this question.
The US Preventive Services
Task Force recommends that all adults be screened for depression. Do you feel
comfortable discussing mental health issues with all of your adult patients?
This is concerning because many people who are experiencing
behavioral health problems seek help first from their physician. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention noted in a 2015 press release that about
half of the people who visit a physician for mental health problems see someone
other than a psychiatrist.
In another finding by the same organization, the results were
even more discouraging.
I believe most of my patients are honest with me when discussing…
- 23% – Tobacco use
- 19% – Eating & exercise habits
- 13% – Alcohol use
- 13% – Sexual history
- 10% – Drug use
- 4% – Domestic abuse
- 18% – None of the above
These problems involve choices people are making that
negatively impact their physical and emotional lives. And the results suggest
that these important issues are not being discussed, or are not being discussed
honestly, by a sizable portion of patients.
Polls sometimes fail to reflect reality for a variety of
reasons. Even if twice as many people are honest when talking to their doctors
about issues, that still means fewer than half are being honest about tobacco
use, and fewer than 10% about domestic abuse.
Both of these survey items point to the need for better
communication – between doctors and patients, and between doctors and providers
who specialize in mental health treatment. I work hard to keep in touch with
the other people who provide care to my clients. Many of them appreciate these
efforts, and many of them reciprocate.
Although it sometimes appears that members of different
health care disciplines work hard to protect “territory”, our clients and
patients are always better served when we collaborate.
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